About us

Our Mission

The purpose of Athletics at Portland Adventist Elementary School is to promote a life-changing experience in a Christian context. The varsity and junior varsity programs are committed to excellence in sport, fair competition, commitment to God, and sharing of faith.

As a Seventh-day Adventist comprehensive institution, Portland Adventist Elementary School provides education with a Christian purpose, as outlined in our objectives. Inter-school athletics are an integral and visible part of that education and commitment to spiritual life.

Athletics Program Goals


  1. To encourage students involved in the program to grow in their Christian experience and develop a willingness to share that relationship with others.
  2. To provide the opportunity to be an active witness on the Portland Adventist Elementary School campus and to the community around us.


  1. The academic program must come first for any athlete on a Portland Adventist Elementary School team.
  2.  All participants in athletics will be asked for full commitment to complete assigned work and be diligent about their learning experience.


  1. To help each student reach their highest athletic potential as individuals and as members of a team.
  2. To teach the values of sportsmanship, honesty, dependability, teamwork and selflessness.

Athletics Policies

Athletic policies must be understood and agreed to between the school and the student athlete. Participation in athletics is a privilege, not a right. The athlete must earn this privilege through dedication, desire, discipline and participation. Without the pursuit of these, the athlete can not do justice to him/herself or the school.

{Adopted form the Walla Walla University Mission}
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